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Trans am
5000 miles

From just   $3500 















Trans Am is the longest and the most diversified road trip as it goes from the east coast to the west coast of the USA, or the other way around. The itinerary presented below is just a suggestion. If you would like to swap locations or add another place please let us know and then we will modify the road trip so that it exactly meets your expectations. We gave up here such places like Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago whole Sunshine State (Florida) or Yellowstone. For your request we may add them at the expense of others or simply extend your trip. This is always your choice. The route may seem tiresome so you can go through some sections by plane. Trans Am road trip starts in New York. The next stop is Niagara falls and later the route drives south via the most famous places on the east coast like Washington or the Great Smoky Mountains and finishes in Louisiana. Next you will head west via Texas, New Mexico and Arizona to reach Canyonlands in Utah. At the very end is California with all its attractions. Recommended time for this road trip is at least 4 weeks during which you will travel ca. 5 000 miles. Besides unforgettable impressions we provide full road trip package i.e. a car, an accommodation, flying tickets, and a detailed itinerary for every day of your road trip with the care for the smallest details :)
Wall Street Bull, Manhattan, New York
Day 1-5: New York - The Big Apple
New York is one of the most fascinating cities around the world which boasts about its rich history and at the same time constatnly gazing into the future. They said that everyone will find something for himself; starting of museums, theaters and galleries and ending with unique pubs, fancy clubs and best restaurants. At the end reserve some time to spend it on the beach.
Day 6: Niagara
Niagara falls, the place where flows two millions of water per second. Powerful, continuous spectacle is even more impressive thanks to facilities that allow you to be in the center of the show. Boats, paths, observation towers and helicopters for those who wants to get as close as possible foamy water curtain. There is a lot of choice. Just enjoy the view!
Washington Monument, Washington DC
Day 7-8: Washington DC - the American Rome
In summer, it is difficult to endure because of the heat and high humidity, while winter hits by biting cold. Despite this the capital of the US is extremely friendly to tourists. Neoclassical monuments, great museums and wide spaces of Washington embodies the spirit of American idealism. Now it is a truly international city which hosts world-renowned artists and offering untold possibilities for shopping.
Day 9: Great Smoky Mountains NP - a Wondrous Diversity of Life
'Ridge upon ridge of forest straddles the border between North Carolina and Tennessee in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. World renowned for its diversity of plant and animal life, the beauty of its ancient mountains, and the quality of its remnants of Southern Appalachian mountain culture, this is America's most visited national park.'
Niagara Falls
Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee–North Carolina
Nashville, Tennessee
Day 10: Nashville - Music City
The capital of Tennessee state is located on the banks of the Cumberland River and is known as Music City of the USA. The sports center and renovated 19th century warehouses converted into nightclubs and honky-tonks make Nashville a vibrant, upbeat tourist town which has both historical and contemporary attractions.
Day 11: Memphis - Home of the Blues
The bustling port on the Mississippi River, known as the "home of the blues and the birthplace of rock'n'roll", is a place that combines Southern manners, cosmopolitan richness and aggressiveness of blues. All these values personified Elvis Presley, the most famous resident of the city. Visitors of the legendary street of Memphis - Beale Street - will find the spirit of Presley's music along with bluesmen like W.C. Handy, B.B. King, and others., which is still alive in dozens of smaller clubs.
Day 12: Mississippi Plantation Tour
Be ready to see one of the greatest concentrations of antebellum homes which is located along River Road - the historical thoroughfare. At the time of its splendor along the road there were more than 2,000 plantations. The most popular are Oak Alley, Nottoway or Laura Plantation.
New Orleans, louisiana
Day 13-14: New Orleans - The Big Easy
In terms of topography, architecture, people and music in New Orleans is like no other American city. Many subsequent residents, including indigenous Indian population, the French population of Creoles, Spanish colonists and African slaves created a rich mixture of people and cultures, which is characteristic of present-day New Orelans. Distinctive architecture of the city is the result of adapting to the European idea subtropical climate.
Day 15: Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve/ Houston
Stop for a while during a long way from the east to the west and enjoy the peaceful and beauty of nature of wild basin wilderness settled in the midle of the Lone Star State.
Hall of giants, Carlsbad Caverns, texas
Day 16: Carlsbad Caverns NP - Beauty and Wonder, Above and Below
'High ancient sea ledges, deep rocky canyons, flowering cactus and desert wildlife - treasures above the ground in the Chihuahuan Desert. Hidden beneath the surface are more than 119 known caves - all formed when sulfuric acid dissolved the surrounding limestone leaving behind caverns of all sizes.'
Day 17: Santa Fe - the City Different
For the night a good place will be Santa Fe, a peaceful city with many galleries and great restaurants.
Day 18: Goosenecks SP and Monument Valley 
'Gaze at the results of 300 million years of time, where the San Juan River winds and carves its way through the desert 1,000 feet below. This primitive park offers a spectacular view of this amazing and rare geologic formation, known as an entrenched meander.'  Later on head to Monument Valley Park where you are experiencing one of the most majestic - and most photographed - points on earth.
Antelope Canyon, arizona
Day 19: Antelope Canyon and Grand Canyon - north rim
Starting the day with exploring a narrow gaps of Antelope Canyon in the morning, and continuing it with picturesque Horseshoes bend view, heading to 'Grand Canyon which overwhelms our senses through its immense size. The unique combinations of geologic color and erosional forms decorate a canyon that is 277 river miles (446km) long, up to 18 miles (29km) wide, and a mile (1.6km) deep.' 
Day 20: Zion NP, Las Vegas
'Follow the paths where ancient native people and pioneers walked. Gaze up at massive sandstone cliffs of cream, pink, and red that soar into a brilliant blue sky. Experience wilderness in a narrow slot canyon. Zion’s unique array of plants and animals will enchant you as you absorb the rich history of the past and enjoy the excitement of present day adventures.' Finish the day in Vegas. And remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas ;)
Death Valley, California
Day 21: Death Valley - Hottest, Driest, Lowest
'In this below-sea-level basin, steady drought and record summer heat make Death Valley a land of extremes. Yet, each extreme has a striking contrast. Towering peaks are frosted with winter snow. Rare rainstorms bring vast fields of wildflowers. Lush oases harbor tiny fish and refuge for wildlife and humans. Despite its morbid name, a great diversity of life survives in Death Valley.'
Day 22-23: L.A. with Santa monica baech
Some mixture of wandering around the city and laziness combined with sunbathing on spacious beaches of L.A. 
Tunnel log, Sequoia National Park
Day 24: Sequoia & Kings Canyon - Land of Giants
'This dramatic landscape testifies to nature's size, beauty, and diversity - huge mountains, rugged foothills, deep canyons, vast caverns, and the world's largest trees.'
Day 25: Big Sur
Driving the highway no. 1 via jagged costline, stretching 90 miles south of Carmel, is famous for its wild beauty and and will provide you with the one of the most scenic view you have ever seen.
Golden Gate, San Fancisco
Day 26-28: San Francisco
Visiting the most tolerant city in the US. Golden Gate, Lombard street, Alcatraz are just the top of the iceberg what you can see in this cosmopolitan city.
Oak Alley Plantation, Louisiana
Houston, Texas
Monument Valley
Zion National Park, Utah
Los Angeles
Big Sur, Pacific Coast Highway

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